Branding Deconstructed

Every company has a brand. But the term "branding" can have various meanings depending on the context and setting. When an agency or company offers "branding", it may only be referring to certain aspects of branding. That's why selecting a branding firm can be complicated. 

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Branding is More Than Wall Graphics (and 5 Ways to Explain That to Your Boss)

Have you ever talked to your boss or C-Suite about branding and heard the following responses: "I'm not sure branding is worth the investment right now. We have other things to prioritize like recruiting talent or hitting financial goals. We can put some graphics on the walls later"? I've personally heard these many times. But you can change the perception. After branding spaces in various industries, here are some things I've learned that can help.

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How Much Does Branding Cost? 

How much does branding cost? It's probably the most common question we get asked by clients every day. It can literally be the "$64,000 Question." That's why I'm going to tell you the truth about branding budgets, even though it might not be what you want to hear.

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Case Study: Michigan State University

We've had the opportunity to create branded environments for two of Michigan State University's athletic teams - football and hockey.

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Tying it All Together: Rolling Out Your Brand Strategy

You’ve decided to invest in a branded environment, sat down with a team of creative professionals to discuss your vision, and successfully seen your project through – from design to installation – ensuring quality control along the way. Now, how do you get everyone on the same page, disseminating the same message you’re striving to project? If you don’t take the time to have an internal dialogue about your branded space and strategy, then any external work you do will fall flat. When it comes to brand updates or a branded environment, the rollout is a process that needs to start from the inside and work its way out.

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Why Quality Control is Crucial During Every Phase of a Branding Project

From design to production to installation, quality control is one of the most important aspects of a branding project. In fact, quality control is something that begins at the genesis of a project by accurately defining the message you’re trying to convey in your space. Unfortunately, it’s often not considered until the end of a project, when the product is being installed. If the branded environment you want to create isn’t feasible, that error should be caught long before production begins, allowing for a solution to be devised. The sooner you can bring in experts to assess the quality control of your project the better.

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How to Talk the Environmental Branding Talk

What is environmental branding? While there are varying levels of awareness as to what it actually is, a large misconception is that branding is all about signage or even simply the use of your logo in your space. Signage is a commodity that’s readily available but when it comes to branding, there’s a strategic backbone behind what you’re striving to achieve. It’s not about putting an image on the wall but about the thought process and message behind it, the placement of it, and even the material used to make it. By using design strategy, you take a concept from 2D or digital format and bring it into the built environment. In short, branding uniquely defines your space enabling you to tell a story that resonates with people.

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4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Investing in a Branded Environment

Workplace branding is more prevalent than ever. This means that basic environmental branding is table stakes. The onus is on employers to be more thoughtful and strategic about their branding to provide a holistic and authentic branded experience that will resonate with their associates, business partners, and clientele.

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Why Spaces Must Do More Than Connect

What types of spaces spark excitement? What about spaces that catalyze action?

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How to Successfully Recruit Talent (Within a Budget)

In the world of athletics, just as much as in the world of business, recruiting top talent is of high importance. You can’t have a successful company, or team, without the best players. But recruitment isn’t easy, and it can be downright difficult if the look and feel of your space doesn’t resonate with your potential recruits. So how does one put their best foot forward?

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