Recent Posts by Matt Freedman & Rachel Iannarino

Matt Freedman is the SVP, Branding at Continental Office. He has been building brands and leading teams in both agency and client settings for more than two decades. Rachel Iannarino is the VP, Marketing at Continental Office. She has been with the team for three years and has a background in consumer, pharmaceutical, and B2B marketing.

Tying it All Together: Rolling Out Your Brand Strategy

You’ve decided to invest in a branded environment, sat down with a team of creative professionals to discuss your vision, and successfully seen your project through – from design to installation – ensuring quality control along the way. Now, how do you get everyone on the same page, disseminating the same message you’re striving to project? If you don’t take the time to have an internal dialogue about your branded space and strategy, then any external work you do will fall flat. When it comes to brand updates or a branded environment, the rollout is a process that needs to start from the inside and work its way out.

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