You’ve decided to invest in a branded environment, sat down with a team of creative professionals to discuss your vision, and successfully seen your project through – from design to installation – ensuring quality control along the way. Now, how do you get everyone on the same page, disseminating the same message you’re striving to project? If you don’t take the time to have an internal dialogue about your branded space and strategy, then any external work you do will fall flat. When it comes to brand updates or a branded environment, the rollout is a process that needs to start from the inside and work its way out.
Great companies and great brands tell their story and they tell it well. Associates need to be the ambassadors of your brand and story, and creating an environmental brand is one way to make that happen. When there’s a narrative to your space, then people can’t wait to bring others into the environment to share it. A thorough explanation of who you are, what you do, and why you do it should be a part of your new hire onboarding process and reiterated regularly for all associates. Imagine the failure that would ensue if you brought clients and external partners into your office and associates couldn’t tell your story. It would make your message seem inauthentic and create a lack of confidence in your company and what you stand for.
Start building awareness around any branding changes by informing associates of what’s to come. If you’re branding your space, give everyone a heads up even if it won’t impact their workstation specifically. After designs are up in the space, go through the process of providing client experience documentation and talking points to help explain the rationale and importance of your branded elements and why they’re located where they are. Journey mapping is so important because each element throughout your space should speak to a specific audience. Your messaging could be internal-facing and only visible in employee-centric areas like a café or bathroom, or it could be external-facing in highly trafficked areas like your lobby or building exterior.
A new brand or branded environment really does change the mood and feel of an office. It did for us! We’ve seen a shift in the way that our associates react to our branded environment in a positive way. It’s exciting and it makes people proud. It’s much more than wall graphics or the use of colors or even digital assets like display walls or touchscreens. A brand is something you need to nurture. It will evolve over time and grow organically as your culture changes. A branded environment is part of the everyday environment and should really be given just as much attention as your desks and chairs. When you treat it with this importance, you’ll begin to see your message become cohesive and impactful.