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FREE Ergonomic Assessment: Are You Set Up To Work Your Best From Home?

73% of professionals said they would be more comfortable working from home if they had a better home office setup, according to our recent Return to Work Survey. Products like an ergonomic chair, a sit-to-stand desk, and monitor arms aren't just luxuries or wish-list items - they're the key to working productively, and they're what will keep you working harder, smarter, and longer without strain! But how do you know if your set-up is truly ergonomic?

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How Will You Return to Work?

Many of us have been working from home for the past couple of months. As states begin to open up and local governments release plans to return to the office environment, a lot of us have questions about what that looks like and what we need to do to get back into our spaces safely.

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Is Office Noise Getting You Down?

"Keep it down over there!"

Does noise negatively impact your day in the office environment? While companies continue to build flexible and, often times, open work spaces, workers around the world have begun to worry more about workplace noise. Among their top concerns are things like increased stress over a lack of quiet spaces. Then there's the increasingly unpopular occurrence of being distracted by their coworkers conversations. All valid concerns that affect the ultimate employee experience. 

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What You Should Know About Workplace Wellness

How to Foster Wellness in the Workplace

Employees who are physically active have lower healthcare costs, require less sick leave, and are more productive at work, according to a report prepared by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. There is no “one size fits all” program, but there are several ways to foster wellness for employees. It starts with a positive company culture, followed by the physical space and environment, and then reinforcing healthy habits and lifestyles.

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What is Presenteeism?

We all know what absenteeism is and how costly it can be for businesses. But have you heard about its far costlier cousin, presenteeism?

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6 Idea-Starters for Healthier Workplaces

Gone are the days where health is strictly something to be considered on an employee’s own time. Workplaces today that want to be attractive and competitive need to consider a holistic approach to life at the office. A great way to keep associates healthier and happier is to incorporate wellness into the workplace experience. Here are some of our favorite ideas to get you started!

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What Work-Life Balance Means Today

The concept of “work-life balance” is changing. We used to think of it as simply making sure we spent as much time doing things outside of work, called “life”, as we did at work. However, the concept is now shifting to incorporate “life” as part of the work day. Workplace environments today are designing places and spaces that facilitate positive associate and client experiences, and blending fun into the environment itself to help foster productivity and creativity.

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What is Ergonomics All About?

Ergonomics means “fitting the job to the worker.” It’s the science and practice of designing jobs and workplaces to closely match the capabilities and limitations of the human body. Ergonomics helps to decrease muscle fatigue and discomfort, increase quality of work and life, and, perhaps most importantly, reduce the number and severity of injuries.

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How to Better Approach Safety at Work

The implementation of workplace safety measures is often reactionary. If someone slips or falls, a company might begin to consider different flooring options. If a shelf or desk topples over, a conversation about proper spacing and weight distribution might be initiated. But for those companies with ample years of experience handling safety precautions, these are things that are thought about long before a design goes into place.

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Why Wellness Matters

What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘corporate wellness?’ Often, we tend to think of wellness programs involving a fitness center staffed with personal trainers, a smoking cessation program, a 10,000 steps challenge, or nutrition counseling. Generally, wellness programs can be defined as organized and coordinated programs that have the goal of enhancing the physical, mental, and emotional status of individuals.

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