What You Should Know About Sustainable Construction

Sustainability is one of the world's most used and talked about but least understood words. What it means to be called sustainable can often be clouded or misinterpreted, because it's so widely used. For most, it's the preservation of the environment, and building better by reducing the number of resources required. To some it goes as far as social progress to stable economic growth and the elimination of poverty.

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Staying on a Construction Schedule: A Case Study

Whether you're the one building it or the one who's working in it once complete, most of us have asked ourselves, "How do I stay on schedule with my construction project?" Remember our post about the future of construction? In it we learned the 3 things most say after a construction project is done are:

  1. It took longer than I thought.
  2. It cost more than I thought.
  3. The quality isn't as high as I'd anticipated.
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What Will Construction Look Like in 30 Years?

While the digital revolution has changed the way we work and build, the Engineering and Construction (E&C) sector has historically been slower to adopt new technologies than other industries. However, given today's factors like stricter environmental requirements, a shortage of labor, and clients who demand cost certainty, the Construction sector needs to evolve. And this crucial transformation will rely heavily on new advances in technology to do so.

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Why You Should Make the Switch from Conventional to Manufactured Construction

Drywall has been the key material for building interiors for over 100 years. And in the past century, interior construction hasn’t evolved like most other industries…at all. Change is good, and technology has driven much of that change. So why not use technology to manufacture interior solutions, such as DIRTT, and transform the construction industry? Using forward-thinking ICE technology, DIRTT produces real-time design, pricing, and material specifications, and creates an interactive, 3D experience for customers. It brings your space into the 21st century.

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How Flexible Manufactured Interiors Create the Ideal Work Environment

If managed with care and tact, new approaches to traditional methods can shake up thinking and inspire creativity. There's nowhere this is more imperative than in the workplace. This could mean considering new solutions, such as manufactured interiors, that promote collaboration and teamwork through adaptable spaces that prompt interaction. These flexible and inviting spaces could be the key to your long-term success.

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A Sustainable Solution for Workspaces

Chances are, your organization wants to use sustainable options to create an inspiring workspace, but your decision-makers may not be sure how to do so. If you're looking for a flexible option that can adapt to your space over time and meet your needs, DIRTT manufactured interiors provide a smart, sustainable solution for your company.

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