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Staying on a Construction Schedule: A Case Study



Whether you're the one building it or the one who's working in it once complete, most of us have asked ourselves, "How do I stay on schedule with my construction project?" Remember our post about the future of construction? In it we learned the 3 things most say after a construction project is done are:

  1. It took longer than I thought.
  2. It cost more than I thought.
  3. The quality isn't as high as I'd anticipated.

We have an innate desire to make our job sites efficient, organized, and productive. We strive for a consistent fit and finish, a clean job site, and completion on or before construction schedule. How do we do all of this, and still finish on time? 

At the Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin (GHC-SCW) in the city of Madison, they did just that. Efficiency, flexibility, innovation, and speed were the key drivers when GHC-SCW planned its new state-of-the-art primary care clinic in Madison, Wisconsin.

An ordinary clinic wouldn't support their unique team-based care at the Madison College location, so they opted for the extraordinary and designed a world-class primary care facility. It can be modified and adapted as healthcare delivery methods evolve. Speed was particularly important. They had less than three months to finish the 4,100 square foot space before the fall semester started. Conventional construction simply could not meet their demands or time frame.

The result? Reactions from staff, patients, and visitors has been overwhelmingly positive with patients saying, "This doesn't feel like a clinic!" They did three things:

  1. Significantly shortened the design process by immediately reflecting change requests in ICE®
  2. Maximized the use of floor space
  3. Developed a flexible space that allows staff to reposition equipment to meet their needs

Watch the video below to see how they were able to accomplish all of this:

