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How To Overcome Your Biggest Obstacle In Returning To The Workplace


People in an office working together safely with separation between them

The numbers don't lie: your team wants to return to the workplace, at least part-time. Whether it's a hybrid model (as we're seeing with our schools), back in phases, or whatever format fits your needs, we know the office isn't dead, and you're likely planning for a future where your team can collaborative safely together.

But, like many of our clients, you're probably facing some up-hill battles and complexities that don't make your return a breeze. How do you rearrange desks and workstations? Do you put up plexiglass dividers or barriers? How will your team be able to exist and work safely in one space, and what will you do to ensure their safety is above all else?

For many of us, the biggest hurdle to getting your team back into the office isn't the number of sanitizing stations you have, or figuring out logistically how you'll be returning (teams, groups, etc.). It's that your office layout isn't designed in a way that's distancing-friendly, and you're not sure exactly how to rework your space in the most efficient (and cost-effective) ways to plan for a safe return.

Fortunately, you're not alone in this, and we have the answers for your unique space and situation! Here's how we're helping teams just like yours get back safely:

A Room with a (New) View
Workplace Services from Continental Office helping to rearrange an office space with new layout to be COVID-19 friendly physical distancing

Think about your desks and workstations where they are right now. More than likely, your employees would be closer than 6 feet from each other in at least one direction, so... what can you do?

Redesigning your layout doesn't have to mean an expensive overhaul, and it starts with existing pieces! Our design teams are helping clients find new ways to arrange their spaces, with some of the best solutions also being the easiest on you. When it's time to make changes, our Furniture Installation teams are trained to handle any of your pieces with care, properly moving and dis/reassembling them to make your assets last longer in whatever configuration you need!

Our goal isn't to get you a plan through the next few months, or even a year. We want to listen to you so that, together, we can develop a layout to fit your team's needs both now and in the future! For many, our work won't just go back to the way it was before COVID-19, as our teams have found new efficiencies and ways of working that benefit both themselves and their organization. We want to hear about your experiences and the way your work has changed so that we can provide new layouts to keep your team safe, promote productivity, and give you the types of spaces you now need!

Check out a few of these examples to get thoughts flowing for your space:

Simple Changes to Protect and Add PrivacyFour desks are rearranged with new partitions added thanks to workplace services by Continental Office

Rearrange with Minor Changes
Four desks are rearranged with new partitions added thanks to workplace services by Continental Office

Conference Rooms, Revisited
The conference room adds separation between seats or becomes a sanitizing stations with lockers thanks to Workplace Services by Continental Office

No matter your space and no matter the size, we can help you find the same solutions that some of our clients are already experiencing, thanks to our Workplace Services. Let's get you safely back to a workplace that protects your team and helps you to be your best!

Workplace Services from Continental Office include Recycle and Buyback, Cleaning and Disinfecting, Storage with Asset Inventory Management, and Space/Occupation Planning and Design of Layout
