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How Can Branding Elevate a Space? Just Look at PA Cyber:


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office

So... just how does branding help a space? How can it transform it into something special, something that tells your story and takes your space to the next level?

Thanks to our latest work with PA Cyber, we have yet another great space that answers those exact questions! PA Cyber's new administrative campus in Midland, PA is a masterwork of branding applications and a showcase of modern interior design, housed in a part-new-construction and part-renovation building. This expansive multi-story space houses multiple different teams and administrative offices, an incredible meeting/development space, spacious kitchen and break area, and much, much more - all complete with gorgeous and ergonomic furniture and impressive branding applications!

"We are overwhelmed with the positive response from our staff and our community," said Nicole Granito, Chief Operations Officer for PA Cyber. "Our new office environment has fostered excitement, collaboration, engagement, and a sense of pride for our school and its history.”

Check out some of our work below, and see for yourself how branding helps tell the story of the organization, bringing it to life and completing this unique space:

PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Greeting you at the entry is a custom logo sign featuring "Archie," the PA Cyber mascot, mounted to a Corian® wall with a pattern our Branding team created for the school that is used thematically throughout the space.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Signage above the door welcomes guests and carries the blue pattern upwards to the second level.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
The kitchen and break area featured multiple branding installations throughout.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
The "CTRL, ALT, DELETE" signage sits on shelving above the sink in a playful accent stemming from PA Cyber's digital nature.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeTake a seat in the Crucible Cafe, highlighted by an LED "Cafe" piece that mimics the style of a neon sign.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Across the kitchen, you'll find PA Cyber's core values on the wall, next to a floor-to-ceiling continuation piece of the blue digital design.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeFramery's O and Q Pods provide a quiet place to take a private call or get some heads-down work done, complete with the custom digital design applied to the glass.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeStep outside the cafe, and you'll find more custom signage like the above, affixed to the wall with a slight thickness that stands out (literally!)


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeDown this hallway, custom vinyl strips were applied to the glass to provide a touch of both privacy and style.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Beyond privacy and style, vinyl applications can also be a safety feature that helps further indicate when a solid glass door is open or closed! 


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Two different styles of branding elements can be seen here, both full-wall applications with consistent color schemes.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
To the left, "Forging Ahead" paid homage to the building's industrial past with a backlit orange sign, mounted on a wall displaying the custom digital design in a different shade.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
To the right, "The Point of Beginning" pays tribute to a historic landmark in the town of Midland, PA - seen in the background of this full-size wall installation.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
A wrap-around branding piece found in the Marketing department is a tribute to the history of Midland, PA and the building on which part of PA Cyber is now situated.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Subtlety on display! White-on-white showcases how a muted element can still be a bold piece that carries consistent branding through by playing off of shadows and lighting.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
A custom-developed art deco pattern was applied to the glass of this office, adding an element of privacy and serving as a safety feature!


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Across the building, you'll find branding from top to bottom, including the ceiling-mounted signage, glass applications, and branding in each room!


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
A full-size Archie can be found in this section, backlit to shine bright, day or night!

PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
PA Cyber's slogan, "The Learning Never Stops," is brightly pronounced and is the first thing guests see upon entering these doors, mounted against a muted continuation of the digital design (this time, in a grey/white color combination).


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
The grey/white digital design can be seen against the wall here (left), and more custom signage denotes offices and neighborhoods within the space.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Step into any of the smaller meeting rooms in this area, and you'll find custom branding that's as purposeful as it is beautiful, giving a private element to users in the space with glass applications and reiterating the mission and values of PA Cyber on the walls.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
At the top of the stairs leading to the second level, guests are greeted immediately with a backlit wall-to-wall logo-on-pattern PA Cyber sign, contrasting from the dark wood and elevating this space!


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
This sign can be seen from the second-floor conference room, brightly standing out while not distracting or interrupting from this space.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeOn each side of the backlit signage, you'll find doors leading to the Edward T. Elder Professional Development Center - noted by the custom branding found atop the doors!


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
Step inside the massive, multi-purpose Professional Development Space, and you'll be greeted by custom-branded elements across the back wall.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
An image of the building that once stood where PA Cyber now stands is a tribute both to the history of the town and this site, featuring white text on one side and a three-dimensional "Archie" on the right.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
This section of the space explains where Archie got his name, and it is the only space in the building where Archie can be found in full three-dimensional form.


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeNo matter the function at hand for this space, the room is decidedly PA Cyber, through and through, with its history not soon forgotten!


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental OfficeAfter hours, the branding elements facing the road stay lit, showcasing to passersby the mission and values of the organization...


PA Cyber Midland Administrative Campus Branding Furniture Continental Office
...with Archie illuminating the path!


Want to learn more about Branding and discover how it can take your space to the next level? Download our Free Branding How-To Guide, and see just how it can transform a space and help it tell your story!

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