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Even More Things You Didn't Know About Our Creative Associates


Just how valuable is creativity at work? Creativity is, by definition, the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. As more and more companies desire associates who think and work differently, the more important creativity at work is becoming. Organizations that are open to creative thinking are ahead of the curve. In fact, unlocking creative potential is the key to economic and societal growth. We've interviewed several of our own creative associates (here and here) to find out how expressing personal creativity makes a difference in their lives. Read about three more of our creative team members!

OFC Manager
roller coaster expert

Wendell and his granddaughter on a coaster!How long have you been riding and rating roller coasters for? I have been riding since the early 70s, but I probably became an expert in 1979 when the Beast was introduced at Kings Island.
What does this talent entail? To be an expert, you must visit as many theme parks as possible and be willing to ride and rate every coaster that is available to ride.
What inspired you to pursue this particular talent? My parents divorced in 1973. I lived with my mother, but my father would always take me and my siblings to theme parks every summer. These experiences stayed with me and inspired me to do the same thing with my children and grandchildren. To date, I have visited approximately 20 different theme parks. Bucket list coaster: The Takabisha in Japan!
Do you feel that creativity helps you in your role? Thinking outside the box is a skill you must possess in our industry. A standard solution to a client's need doesn’t always exist, so many times you must create one.
Do you feel that creativity is an important skill to bring to the workplace? If so, why? In an industry that is overwhelmed with duplication, creativity is one of the things that can set you apart.
Do you want to expand upon this in the future? My grandchildren are providing me with the opportunity to visit some new parks and add to my list of coasters. The picture above is with my granddaughter at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. It was her first roller coaster ride.
What's another talent you'd like to pursue? I would like to start giving motivational public speeches.

Operations and Safety Administrator

Cindy baking!How long have you been baking for? Since around 2001. I started when my Grandmother became too ill with Parkinson’s disease that she could no longer bake for all of the family.
What does this talent entail? Over the years baking has become a stress reliever for me; my family knows when I’m stressed by how much I bake over the weekend. I started cake decorating for my son’s 1st birthday (in 2001), it was a Clifford the Big Red Dog cake, and I was hooked after that. I took cake decorating classes and then over the years made desserts for my family events, and all of my children’s birthdays. I began a small cake business in 2008. Within my family I am known for my homemade apple pie and my chocolate cake. Over the years my type of baking has changed (started with large sheet cakes and such, now love to do small individual/2 person cakes or cupcakes). I have a small business on the side that I call “Cupcakes by Cindy”. I was honored in August of 2017 to make all of the desserts for my cousin’s wedding; in all I made and decorated 300 cupcakes and 1 bride/groom cake. I loved doing it not just for my family, but because of my love of baking.
What inspired you to pursue this particular talent? My Grandmother, Betty. She was the baker of our family, always making us all sorts of Christmas cookies every year. It was a tradition. When she passed away in 2007 I took over all of the family Christmas cookies with her treasured recipes. Each year I make 5-6 different kinds of cookies at around 6 dozen of each type and my entire family gets to enjoy my Grandma’s cookies even after she has been gone from us for years now.
Do you feel that creativity helps you in your role? Absolutely! I love being creative whether it’s in the kitchen or sewing (my other fun hobby). If I wasn’t creative I don’t think my baking would be as fun and pretty to look at. ;) As for my role at the company, yes creativity has helped me. I feel it allows me to think a bit more outside of the box, or come up with new ways of doing tasks.
Do you feel that creativity is an important skill to bring to the workplace? It is. Creativity can be used in all sorts of ways in the workplace, not just the traditional sense. Creativity is used in problem solving, and in innovation.
Do you want to expand upon your talents in the future? No, I do not anytime soon. I have an almost 18 year old son and 14 year old daughter that keep my time very busy. For now, my cupcake business is just a (very) small side joy for me.
What's another talent you'd like to pursue? I enjoy sewing quilts and creating all sorts of patterns with it. I do not see myself ever turning it into a business, but I do enjoy creating “stuff” from my mind. At one point in my life I had a craft booth in a local craft mall, which I loved doing.

Design and Project Manager

Nate taking photographs!How long have you been taking photographs for? I have always enjoyed the hobby, but I got more serious about it during high school. I was always in the dark room and taking photos in black and white film at the time. While in college, I also took some classes and eventually learned how to develop color film in a dark room - this really taught me the technicalities of the art.
What does this talent entail? I have been interested in taking all sorts of photographs. I have done some weddings (which I have no desire to do again), professional photos, and landscape/architectural which is what I enjoy most.
What inspired you to pursue this particular talent? As a kid my Dad was always taking photos. Looking back, he took some great photos of us growing up that really allows us as a family to appreciate the memories. Being able to capture a great image as a memory in time to look back on is something that has always inspired me.
Do you feel that creativity helps you in your role? Absolutely - in order to be innovative, attract top talent, and clients too, you have to always be at the forefront of creativity - without it there would be no progress forward.
Do you feel that creativity is an important skill to bring to the workplace? It keeps your day from becoming stale and repetitive. If you are always working with other creative people you inspire each other and collaborate on new ideas.
Do you want to expand upon your talents in the future? It's my hope to travel more and go to exciting places to capture more images! Mountains and beaches are some of my favorite locations to capture images. My wife and I also have a young son and we are always capturing moments with him.
What's another talent you'd like to pursue? I have played piano since I was in second grade and been in a few bands playing guitar and writing music - keeping up with that hobby is also something I always try and make time for. You never run out of songs to play!

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