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Creativity at Work is Fundamental


Creativity is, by definition, the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. As more and more companies desire associates who think and work differently, the more important creativity at work is becoming. Organizations that are open to new ideas and new ways of thinking are ahead of the curve. In fact, unlocking creative potential is key to economic and societal growth. A global “State of Create” study conducted by Adobe reports that 70% of global respondents across North America, Europe, and Asia feel that being creative is valuable to society. Regardless of industry or geography, creativity is at the forefront of today's successful countries, cities, and workplaces.

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The study also found that there’s a workplace creativity gap. Three in four people believe there’s an increasing pressure to be productive rather than creative at work. Yet, more than half say there’s an increasing expectation to think creatively at work. The most successful and innovative companies are the ones that generate better ideas faster. When companies encourage and support creative thinking and creative work, the results are powerful. An organization that invests in creativity is actually more likely to increase productivity as well as foster innovation, have happier associates and satisfied clients, provide a better client experience, and overall be more financially successful. Investing in creativity pays off.

What’s surprising is that while 85% of people agree that creative thinking is critical for problem solving in their career, according to an Adobe “Creativity and Education” study, 32% don’t feel comfortable thinking creatively in their career. One reason for this could be that thinking creatively takes time and companies place more value on quick results rather than taking into account the benefits reaped from investing in creative associates. Another factor that could be at play is that office environments today aren’t doing their part to spark creative thinking. Outdated furniture, décor, and layouts are still prevalent and capitalizing ergonomics, branding, the latest technology, and a variety of office settings isn’t deemed a priority, when in fact it’s a necessity for a visionary and resourceful workforce.

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Creativity doesn’t just make people better workers and leaders, but more well-rounded human beings. Workplaces today that take a human-centered approach when it comes to designing their spaces and growing their teams are seeing people live up to their creative potential, harness their passions, and apply it to a greater purpose. Not to mention, the workspace becomes an extension of supporting a creative environment. When you support the creative flow throughout an entire office, you prime your organization for innovation. Creativity differentiates businesses and drives a strong brand experience. Creativity at work today isn’t just important; it’s imperative.

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