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Live OS: Where Robotics Meets Office Design


At NeoCon 2017, Herman Miller and designer Yves Béhar unveiled the future of office design with Live OS. It’s an app-based system that brings robotics into offices by connecting workspaces to people’s changing needs throughout the day, empowering them to work smarter and healthier. This customizable system consists of cloud-connected furnishings, an app, and a dashboard to gain an understanding of evolving humans that use it. The end goal is to make constant adjustments to ensure a happy, high-performing workforce. At its core, it’s designed to measure the effectiveness of a space and optimize it for workers.

We know it can seem a bit scary at first. Many wonder, is my company “watching” me or my every move? Is this the era of Big Brother? Not at all. The truth is the real-time information and sensor-enabled furniture can help people be more effective and help organizations get even smarter. With Live OS, sensors on all connected work surfaces can capture information and provide data-driven insights. The user is in control. In fact, preferences can be set with the touch of a button for things like desk height, posture, and even physical activity goals. When you come into the office for the day, your desk can be prepared exactly as you like it. If you want to change your posture or position during the day, you can program your desk to adjust accordingly. In fact, a connected desk can reduce your daily sitting time by nearly 40 percent.

While we know it may not be for everyone, smart furniture can benefit both people and organizations alike. If you’re open to the idea, it just might enhance your workplace to become a more comfortable, fruitful, and dynamic place to be. By giving choices to workers through highly customized workspaces, you not only empower your people but energize your workspace. By encouraging your workforce to be more active and work in settings that suit them best for the task at hand, they’re more productive and engaged. And if workers forget to move around after a certain period of time, a gentle reminder from their desk is all they’ll need to get going again.

Does your office adequately utilize space? Live OS will let you know, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently and effectively. Using data compiled from all cloud-connected furnishings, Live OS provides feedback to help control operational costs and boost workplace wellness. It offers insights into how people use space, driving smarter decisions. By adapting today’s office furniture for a digitally-connected workforce with intuitive technology solutions, you get to know your workers and your workplace as you’ve never known them before.

Are you ready to learn more about Live OS? Contact us!
