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Good, Better, and Best Workplace Scenarios


The cost of real estate is rising substantially. Unsurprisingly, offices have become smaller and smaller. Workspaces need to be more efficient than ever before to make the best use of every square foot available. When it comes to outfitting your real estate with all the things it needs to become a great space, from furniture to flooring to technology, there are generally three tiers of workplace scenarios you have to choose from. These are your good, better, and best solutions.

Generally speaking, these three tiers are differentiated by price, but they can also differ based on warranties, ergonomics, finishes, and more. You can choose any old chair to sit in during the work day or you can choose the healthiest chair on the market – both will accomplish the same purpose but your comfort, productivity, and wellbeing could be vastly different as a result of which you choose. Figuring out your price point is the best place to start. Then you can begin to maximize your dollars.

You can choose any old chair to sit in during the work day or you can choose the healthiest chair on the market – both will accomplish the same purpose but your comfort, productivity, and wellbeing could be vastly different as a result of which you choose.


With your lower cost options you might get a more limited service warranty depending on the product. Environmental attributes can also vary significantly. Some products are made from a high percentage of recyclable pieces and parts while others aren’t sustainable in any way. There’s typically less flexibility and fewer finishes available, but some finishes are so good nowadays that they mimic higher-end materials at a fraction of the cost. The adjustability of furniture or adaptability of floors, walls, and branded elements might also differ when compared with a better or best solution.


When you prioritize your budget to include even better options, you open up the possibilities. We live in an age when people want flexibility. Adjustable chairs and tables, detachable walls, movable furniture, you name it. In fact, we surveyed over 260 employed individuals primarily in the Midwest and found that 87% of all associates want flexible settings in which to work and 71% desire fluidity in where they sit. It’s important to remember you’re not buying just a desk, but technology and a design that sets the tone for the kind of culture you’ll have.


Living Office SettingsThe sky is the limit with your best options. This isn’t to say your budget is limitless, but when you choose to outfit your space with the most functional, ergonomic, adaptable, and tech-forward products, you’re investing in your people and your growth. Think about it – a chair becomes so much more when it provides proper support and adjustability. Not to mention, it sets up your workers for more productive days and a healthier lifestyle.

Of course, a hybrid of these options is possible too. You can allocate valuable square footage to unique settings, thereby providing a variety of areas to work in and options to choose from. Using more shared areas than dedicated ones can also make the office feel bigger, even if your workspace becomes smaller. We can walk you through your good, better, and best options. Let us show you the possibilities!

What's the cost per square foot?
