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Stand Up for Your Employees' Health with Sit-to-Stand Solutions


Many jobs today require us to sit for prolonged periods of time. Science tells us that sitting all day isn’t the healthiest choice when it comes to doing our work, but sometimes it's inevitable. Research suggests that people who sit excessively have increased risk for obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a cascade of other health ills. The human body is made to move, but global studies show we sit nearly 8 hours a day on average.

When it comes down to the bottom line, cost is always a concern when integrating new ergonomic furniture into your workspace. Not all ergonomic furniture is made the same and the cost concerns can be easily addressed for any size business. Here are some tips for researching sit-to-stand solutions for your workplace:

  • Talk to your employees. The best way to figure out what's missing from your employees' wellness during the work day is to simply ask them. Ask them if they make a conscious effort to move around and work in different areas. Your work settings should be designed to support different modes of work. If employees want to do data entry while standing, accommodate it.
  • Review your current workspace. Work with those in charge of your facilities to get an understanding of how your current workspace could be adapted to better meet ergonomic needs, such as the use of ergonomic seating coupled with sit-to-stand desks, and then implement those changes.
  • Understand not all options have to be expensive. Just because you want to embrace healthier options in your workspace doesn't mean it has to exceed your budget. There are a lot of affordable choices out there, like Herman Miller’s Motia Sit-to-Stand Tables.

Motia Sit-to-Stand Tables

By incorporating standing work areas in your office, you're on your way to improving your employees' wellness. Studies show that using a sit-to-stand desk reduces sitting time by 66 minutes per day, a reduction in upper back and neck pain by 54% and an improvement in mood states. We could go on and on about why employees should stand more during the day, but you get the point. Now get moving!

DIRTT, flexible construction, interior construction
