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Can Workplace Services Help Me Return to Work?



It's the question on many minds: "when my team returns to the office, what will that look like?" Think about your space for a moment. Will you need all of the furniture you have? What will you do if you have too much or too little? How are you arranging your space to keep safe distances, and how will you keep that space clean and safe for your team?

It can certainly be overwhelming these days. You might feel as if you don't even know where to start. Below are some thoughts and ideas to get you started thinking differently about the workplace whether you're already back to the office or planning go return soon.

1.) Design with Safety in Mind (4)-1

You're trying to sort out how to keep your team safe, but... how do you maximize a space while keeping safely distanced? Do you know how to rework and reconfigure your space to make the most of what you have while also keeping your team's health and safety top of mind?

Experienced interior design teams can help you look at your space and see what will need to change and how to make those changes in the best possible ways. Reconfiguring your space to meet your custom needs should be your top priority. Not every business is the same, nor is every space. You'll want to work with someone who knows what questions to ask about team performance, what jobs they need to perform, when they're most productive, what technology needs you have, and many more questions. (1)

2.) Keeping It All Clean to Fight COVID-19

Cleaning and Disinfecting with Fogging

Throughout this process, it's important to think about your cleaning measures. What are you doing to clean and disinfect workstation surfaces, chairs, desks, and touchpoints in your space? 

Our in-house Cleaning crews offer a wide range of services to fit your needs, including our disinfection fogging services that cover every single surface in your space, from wall to wall, killing the virus that causes COVID-19! Do you have rotating teams that share desks/work areas? Make sure they're cleaned in-between and properly disinfected. Our teams are trained to fully disinfect your space, offering product cleanings to give chairs, desks, and any other assets in your space the right kind of cleaning to keep everyone healthy!

Watch our Cleaning & Disinfecting Video to Learn More:
Office cleaning and disinfecting Ohio and Pittsburgh

3.) Store & Save with AIM   
     (Asset Inventory Management)

Technology-driven solutions

What if you need some pieces out of your space now, but you don't want them gone for good? We offer an Asset Inventory Management system (AIM) that allows you to keep your assets/furniture while by storing what you don't need right now in our secure storage facilities and giving you 24/7 access to the system with up-to-date information, thanks to our technology-driven tools. We'll take great care of your pieces, and when the time comes for you to implement them back into your layout, we'll have them ready for you!

This is a great option if you don't want to part ways with your furniture because you think you might need them later. Rather than selling off or donating pieces just to have to re-purchase furniture down the road, store your pieces now to save money, time, and headaches later! With AIM, you can keep track of your furniture from afar as we keep it safely out of the way for you while you temporarily change your space to better suit for current needs. (1)Office Furniture Layouts4.) Recycle and Buyback

What does your office or workplace look like? Are your desks staying the same, or are you rearranging them to keep people distanced? Are there pieces you're not even using right now in order to keep teams safe and healthy? Have you considered recycling, donating, or even selling unneeded furniture assets? 

One of the best ways we're helping our clients manage their furniture/assets right now is with our Recycle & Buyback services. We know that your space likely won't look the same, so what happens when you have too many furniture pieces or items that just don't fit into your RTW plan?

Easy: Recycle & Buyback! We can help you dispose of, donate, and possibly even sell or buy back some of the pieces you don't need in order to free up space to maintain safe distances, while potentially putting some cash in your pocket to help make the changes your space needs! 

Just remember: you don't have to figure this all out on your own! Every RTW is different, and that's why we're helping you find the solutions you need now. We want to help you discover solutions you didn't even know were available! 

Learn more about our Workplace Services, and get your
Free Personalized Quote just for your team!

Workplace Services from Continental Office include Recycle and Buyback, Cleaning and Disinfecting, Storage with Asset Inventory Management, and Space/Occupation Planning and Design of Layout
