How Do You Feel on Monday Mornings?

We're helping people to make their everyday office life happier by providing a place where they can concentrate and work efficiently, either alone or with team members.


The Problem: Noise in Officespeople in framery-1

Today, 70% of people work in open plan offices, and 50% of them find the lack of sound privacy the most frustrating aspect of the work environment. Studies show that noise can lower productivity significantly, on average by 10%, but in some cases up to 35-50%. In fact, interruptions in work flow occur on average every 11 minutes, and it may take people up to 25 minutes for an employee to refocus on the task at hand again.

These distractions are mainly due to phone calls and random meetings that take place in open office plans. Overheard conversations are reported to be the most distracting to work flow.

Framery Offers the Solution

  • Focus: Improved ability to focus on tasks
  • Calm Down: Decrease of distractions from conversations


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Noise lowers productivity by 10-50%

Framery is a pioneer and leading company in manufacturing and developing soundproof private spaces and pods that enable and reinforce happiness in workplaces. Its products solve noise and privacy issues in dozens of the world's leading brands' offices, including Microsoft, SAP, Deloitte, PWC, and many more.

slate-ny-framery-1You'll See:

  • a 48% improved ability to focus
  • a 51% decrease from distractions from conversations
  • a 27% decrease of actual physical symptoms







See What Customers Say!

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Benefits of Framery

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Contact us today to learn more!

Framery reduces noise and makes people happy